15 Cool but Totally Pointless Video Games Details
Every now and then, games come up with the most jaw-dropping details that are simply the greatest. There are many examples of games that excel at this and many that don't, from stunning maps and worlds to reasoned fighting mechanics.
However, sometimes video games go overboard with ridiculous details that serve no purpose at all, other than showing off. Let's take a look.
However, sometimes video games go overboard with ridiculous details that serve no purpose at all, other than showing off. Let's take a look.
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GTA V (Flip Flops) - A realistic damage system or a life-like ragdoll physics is still understandable since they play a major role in the gameplay. But flip-flops? GTA offers one of the most realistic flip-flops in gaming, but it would be hard to impossible to notice from an in-game camera angle. Moreover, the people who're playing it in the first person might never notice it at all. So the question is, why to make something like this over probably a good vehicle fuel mechanism. -
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Horse's Balls) - Rockstar Games are really keen on adding the details for detail's sake, and now they're just showing off. Like everything, RDR2 isn't perfect, but it's perfect enough for many of us. But all of that is due to the story, gameplay, and graphics, and not the stallion balls that contract and expand realistically. -
Metal Gear Solid 2 (Melting Ice Cubes) - Kojima is one of those directors who love adding a flair of creativity to give life to their games. But there are times when Kojima really makes no sense, and this is that. The ice-cubes in MGS 2 melt realistically if the player stands there and notices them. The question is, why would anyone do that? -
The Division (Snow) - Even after the terrible, terrible downgrade, The Division does showcase a few good details. One of these is the snow getting collected on vehicles and moving when players interact with them. But why keep this detail when the best parts of the game are downgraded to trash. -
Uncharted 4 (Sandbags) - Obviously, Naughty Dog is one of those developers that love adding details. But barely noticeable, shootable sandbags add nothing literally to the game when there are so many particle effects, explosions, bullets, and fast-paced mission structure in the way. -
DriveClub (Rain) - The most important thing a racing game needs to nail down is the driving experience. And most would know it's not true for DriveClub. What it does is give players truly majestic sort-of realistic rain effects. That looks cool on the surface but totally ruins visibility, doing more damage than good. -
Dishonored (Painting) - During the first few hours of the game, players come across an artist painting, someone. If the player manages to move a prop in the scene, it won't appear in the final painting. This is a pretty cool detail, but a totally useless one considering how many people will interact with the whole scene. -
Battlefield: Hardline (Half Hamburger) - Hardline is the least liked Battlefield games out there. This is why it comes as a surprise that a good amount of time is spent making a half-eaten burger look real, contributing nothing to how the gameplay or graphics. -
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Ants) - Seriously, this game has ants that move. There are a lot of glitches as well, but ants were too important to nail down. -
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Pupils and Eyes) - The character's eyes and pupils contract and expand based on light. The realism part is perfectly understandable, but why did Rockstar put more effort into making character's eyes that'll probably cover 1% of the screen pixels instead of making genuinely interesting open-ended missions? -
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Watch) - To the ones who may need it, the watch on operators' hands actually tells the real-time. Pretty awesome, but utterly useless. -
The Last of Us Part II (Broken Teeth) - There's a good amount of detail in the second part of The Last Of Us. To the point that the teeth will actually break off and fall when players hit the enemies. The only thing is, it's totally not visible during the fast-paced gameplay. If Naughty Dog has given the extra time needed to get this programmed to the writers, maybe the game would've been just as good as the first part's story. -
Mafia: Definitive Edition (The Bird) - There are times when NPCs will show a middle finger when they shoot them. The point is, the effect is so random and up-close that it's rarely going to be visible. -
Cyberpunk 2077 (Genitals) - Almost everyone knows that the game features fully modifiable genitals, but why? It's a first-person RPG, where the players will almost always be wearing clothes. I should've focused more on a smoother launch than anything else. -
TLOU 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 (Guitar) - The finger placement on the guitar sequences in both games is pretty accurate. But this detail becomes totally useless when you realize that not everyone knows guitar, and both the games picked guitar accuracy over gameplay and story.
- 15 Cool but Totally Pointless Video Games Details
GTA V (Flip Flops) - A realistic damage system or a life-like ragdoll physics is still understandable since they play a major role in the gameplay. But flip-flops? GTA offers one of the most realistic flip-flops in gaming, but it would be hard to impossible to notice from an in-game camera angle. Moreover, the people who're playing it in the first person might never notice it at all. So the question is, why to make something like this over probably a good vehicle fuel mechanism.